Samuel Adeyemi

File Number: 19045aer

Welcome to the file sharing platform

You can now share files between departments and directorates and keep track of the department the files are in. you can also see the status of these files.

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Recent files you created

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View all files
Date File number File name Volume number Connected files Current office Status Action
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details

Folders in your office

List of files you recently created and sent out

View all files
Date File number File name Volume number Connected files Current office Status Action
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details
Aug 1, 2022 09/42453452 Internal Procurement 09/42453452 09/42453452 Procurement On-going View details